XYZ Dialogue: “A gun is not a Safe Haven for Women and Children”
Written by Angela E. Chamblee. Cartoon drawn by Angela E. Chamblee
Date: June 8, 2022

X: A gun is not a safe haven for women and children at home.
Y. A gun is not a safe haven in the hand of a security guard at school.
Z. A gun is not a safe haven for grandma, in the hand of a teacher or a security
guard at the grocery market either.


The usual argument is that the only thing that can stop a mass murderer is a good man with a good gun in his hand, but a new study done by Stanford University shows that such may not be true at all.

During the Covid 13 Pandemic, millions of people purchased guns for the first time, ostensibly to protect their families from violent intruders, but statistics show that twice as many people end up dying from suicide, or murder at the hands of loving spouses or partners.

However, statistics were not kept on the number of children who were murdered, or committed suicide, but we do know the suicide rates went down a lot because states that have tough gun control laws on people being able to buy guns, had less suicides because people did not get access to guns. By the time they got access, they had talked to a friend,or loved one, or a suicide hotline and some person suggested a way they could handle a seemingly hopeless situation, and so the person did not have to commit suicide.

Moreover, “the risk of living with a gun owner overwhelmingly falls on women,” said study leader Dr. David Studdert. “Almost 85% of homicide victims,living with handgun owners were women.”( Healy, “California” para. 8).

Works Cited
Healy,Melissa.”California Adults who live with a gun owner face twice the risks
of death by homicide.” Los Angeles Mar. 05, 2018.
Accessed June 8, 2022.

Healy, Melissa. “The stronger the states’ gun laws, the lower the rate of gun
related homicides and suicides.” Mar. 05, 2018. Los Angeles
Accessed June 8, 2022.

“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Accessed on
June 8, 2022.

What can be done?
1. Don’t let teenagers purchase guns.
2. The average person’s brain does not completely mature until he or she gets to be 27. Don’t allow people to purchase guns until they are at least 27-years-old.
3. Don’t let violent, mentally ill people purchase guns.

Quote of the Month: “ We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
Quote is by cartoonist Walt Kelly who did the “Pogo” Comic strip in the 1960’s and early 1970’s—April 22, 1971. Accessed on June 8, 2022.

Simple,Delicious and Nutritious Vegan Recipe (of the month)
Blueberries mixed in with smashed avocado.
1. Cut 1 avocado,long style, in half.
2. Scoop out avocado, with a spoon.
3. Smash up avocado, with a fork in a small bowl.
4. Add 2 table spoons of lime juice, and stir.
5. Add a handful of chopped cilantro, and stir.
6. Add 1 or 2 handfuls of blueberries to the bowl and mix up.
7. Enjoy.



High John the Conquer